Friday, May 11, 2012

Old Overholt Straight Rye Whisky review

oldOverholtAs most of you that follow MySideOfTheBar I am constantly in pursuit of the perfect Manhattan. I try different Whisky’s and ingredients in my search. (More to follow on that at a later date)

During my search I have discovered many great Whisky’s and recently I ran across possibly the most surprising Rye Whisky to date.

Old Overholt Straight Rye Whisky

Note: Drinking Rye Whisky is an acquired taste as drinking Scotch Whisky so if you are not a fan for Rye this may not be for you, however you may still be surprised at this one. (I was)

  • Tasting Notes:
  • Nose: Normal Rye Scents (Grain and Grass)
  • Initial Taste: Sweet and a small hint of smoke/spice
  • Finish: Smooth and a gentle Rye and caramel flavor

If you want to really enhance the flavor try with water as it became even smoother and more of the sweeter flavors came out.

The most amazing thing about this Rye Whisky was the price. It is only twelve dollars American.

Here is a video with some Great History on Old Overholt

They also caught the caramel taste


The Professor


  1. Added note - Old Overholt was the medicinal Alcohol of the US Navy during WWII

    Cheers - E

  2. The last owner of the overholt family was Henry Clay Frick. He later willed his shares to Andrew Mellon.

    These are two of the most important men in american business history.


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