Monday, September 22, 2014

Demon In A Bottle

It’s a great time to be a geek (or NERD).   I have said numerous times that I never (even in MY wildest dreams) thought I would be seeing some of the comic books I love come to life like they are now in theaters.

Some of you may recall my excitement leading up to the first Iron Man, and then there was Nick Fury hinting at the Avengers.  No WAY!  I thought they couldn’t pull that off, because there was no established group yet – and we would never see HellCarriers in a movie…..even Hollywood couldn’t do that.

We then got a pretty good Hulk (sadly losing Ed Norton), a passable Iron Man 2, Thor…and then, it all came together with Captain America.  IMO – a near perfect origins story.

When the Avengers came out – Downey stole the screen again, the team came together….AND there were Hellcarriers!


At this point, Marvel could do no wrong – and this was proven out this year with Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.  Winter Soldier made a super hero movie that plays out like real life (as one can be in the Marvel Universe) and GotG took a product not many had heard of, and made it a phenomenon. 

Remember when I said it was great to be a Geek (or Nerd)?  This is why – because of arguing about how bad a movie was (Fantastic Four anyone?), we can nitpick on the great things – which leads to  this article.

With the current popularity of GotG – you knew at some point we would hit saturation. Everwhere you turn, you have Groot popping up, and now even Marvel is jumping their own shark. 

Over at Comic Alliance, you have the headline Marvel Announces Rocket Raccoon And Groot Homage Covers.  In the article, you learn that Marvel is going forward with some variant art covers, portaying Rocket and Groot in some classic scenes.   Personally, I am underwhelmed – liking only the Thor crossover.  But the one I dispise the most is this one – that take on Demon in a Bottle.



As cute as baby Groot is, you don’t mess with the inner turmoil of Tony Stark or the possibly one of the greatest storylines in Iron Man history.  Especially when Disney is so afraid to do this story line – because of the kids going to see the movies.  Either you respect the brand (and don’t tease us about it in other movies) or you leave it alone by not marketing to kids with your two new cash cow characters.  You cant have both.

Ugggh – now I want an R-Rated Marvel Universe movie (please do  a Punisher movie right!).

See what I mean – the world is so great in the Marvel Universe, we are debating (we cant even argue) about variant comic covers.  Life is good!  Am I off base on the Demon in a Bottle debate?  Who is your favorite Marvel character?  Most glaring nit-pick?  Debate it all below.

Cheers – and make mine Marvel.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An excellent tribute by Guinness

I make no secret that I am supportive of those who serve our country.  My own personal time spent deployed to various “Garden Spots” around the world has definitely grounded me in reality – and links me to those today with a type of brotherhood that not many can understand.

Also, anyone that knows me knows of my love for Guinness. 

When you combine the two – well, I like to think that is what the product of this excellent commercial would be all about.

To all my brothers and sisters deployed world wide (with a special shout to Gordie, Albie and the 33s Everywhere)…..I give you “The Empty Chair”


PS – This is also posted on both my old and my new format blog HERE.

An excellent tribute by Guinness

I make no secret that I am supportive of those who serve our country.  My own personal time spent deployed to various “Garden Spots” around the world has definitely grounded me in reality – and links me to those today with a type of brotherhood that not many can understand.

Also, anyone that knows me knows of my love for Guinness. 

When you combine the two – well, I like to think that is what the product of this excellent commercial would be all about.

To all my brothers and sisters deployed world wide (with a special shout to Gordie, Albie and the 33s Everywhere)…..I give you “The Empty Chair”


PS – This is also posted on SmokesAndBooze, and my new format blog HERE.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Not many things have changed

Over at iO9, they have some great pictures entitled - Extraordinary Photos of Everyday Life in Oak Ridge, the Secret City during the Manhattan Project.

One of the pictures jumped out at me – of people lined up to get cigarettes.

It reminded me of my time in Saudi Arabia, Iraq & Kuwait – with soldiers lined up around the block to get into the PX….where one of the coveted items was a deck of smokes…regardless if you smoked or not.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Now I know where to drink….

I love info-graphical maps.

If you do too – you should head over to Floating Sheep and check out their graphics on “The Beer Belly of America”

Crime in the Wine Industry

Police in the Italian regions of Lazio, Liguria and Umbria have found extensive labelling frauds, upgrading cheap wines and delivering them for sale at up to ten times their value, La Repubblica reports.

Among 30,000 bottles seized are some from Bocelli’s family winery near Pisa, which yields an exclusive 300 bottles a year.

Be careful what you drink.

Italy Wine Seizure

Thursday, May 1, 2014

When you combine Booze and Chainsaws, everyone wins

This was submitted by my buddy Alby, who is my Artsy-Fartsy counterpart (seriously – Check out his work HERE).  While he calls this “Art”…..whenever you combine Booze and a Chainsaw, I call it Porn.



Winesicles and Charity

I initially saw on my friend @SassyShae’s Facebook page and thought it was a cute idea (but not to practical for me).

Take a peek yourself – and then pick up the story after the jump.

Since I am not much of a wine drinker (with only an occasional bottle here and there), I didn’t know how practical it was for me. 

That is until later today, when I was investigating Military Charities (Helping Veterans is another passion) and came across this story from CK Mondavi and the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund…..

 CK Mondavi Supports the IFHF

In our third year of support for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, our goal is to raise even more money than we raised in the past two years. This year in particular is special to us, as Peter Mondavi Sr., a veteran of World War II, turns 100 years old this November.

In 2012, we proudly raised more than $27,000 for the IFHF. Last year, we surpassed that total by raising over $35,000. This year, our goal is to raise $50,000 to further the cause of this noble organization, and you can help. Between May and August, we’ll donate $1 for every Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund themed coupon redeemed, up to a maximum of $50,000. You can find these coupons on bottle of CK Mondavi in participating retail stores.

About the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund:

The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund is a leader in supporting the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. Begun in 2000 and established as an independent not-for-profit organization in 2003, the Fund has provided close to $150 million in support for the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and for severely wounded military personnel and veterans. These efforts are funded entirely with donations from the public, and hundreds of thousands of individuals have contributed to the Fund.

The IFHF Mission Statement
The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund serves United States military personnel wounded or injured in service to our nation, and their families.  Supporting these heroes helps repay the debt all Americans owe them for the sacrifices they have made in service to our nation.  They are, in the words of our founder, the late Zachary Fisher, “our nation’s greatest national resource,” and they deserve all the help that our nation can provide.  The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund is a leader in meeting this important national mission.

As a veteran of the Persian Gulf War and friend of veterans of many other wars – I think this is a great way to help a Military Charity that has an A+ Rating and done a lot to help our military heroes who may have injuries we just can see.

So, if you are picking up a few bottles of wine for the weekend, restocking the cabinet or just looking for a summer treat for Memorial Day … everyone a favor and give CK Mondovi a chance.  I know I will.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Its Baseball Season–How about some Chin Music?

Hi Everyone!

I know its been a long hiatus – but I am finally back in the saddle, as I have settled in now here in #RVa, transitioned into a new job and have started feeling out more of the local beers in the area.

So, to kick things off – I decided to go with a beer that is associated to a subject near and dear to my heart…..Baseball.

As many of you know, back in the day I played some (very) minor league ball in Germany.  Originally with the Fürth Pirates, I transferred to the Augsburg Alligators (now just the Gators) when I was working at Gablingen.  There was only free beer to look forward to, and I really just played for the “Love of the Game”.

Even though I lived in CoMO, right between the Royals and the Cards, it was still two hours either way – and made making games difficult.

Luckily, Richmond (RVa) has their own Minor League club – The Richmond Flying Squirrels

Last season, we caught a game late in the season, it was a ton of fun (although @Debi_Bell doesn’t really understand the heckling part).  We found the night affordable and great seats can be had for a reasonable price.  Of course, @JAM_Bell loves all sports – so he was totally into it.

This season – The Squirrels have teamed up with local brewery, Center of the Universe Brewing Company,  to bring us a baseball themed beer……Chin Music.

Originally (back in the 1800’s) “Chin Music” was a way to describe heckling from the fans. This meaning changed around the time of the WWII, when it was defined a pitch that is thrown near the batter's face. The intent could be to brush him back, set up the batter for an outside pitch or just be intimidating.

If anyone has seen me heckle (SkinnyJ) or how @JAM_Bell pitches… would see how I immediately fell in love with the name.

All that left was for them to sway me with the beer.  How was it?


Style: Vienna Lager

Source: 12 oz. can

ABV: 4.5%  

IBUs: 24

Appearance - A dark amber (almost burnt bronze) hue, which a cream colored head.  The foamy head held well throughout the sampling,  with consistent thickness and asymmetrical lacing.  Clarity was excellent, and I believe this can be attributed to the filtering process to remove excess yeast.

Nose – A sweet caramel and nut aroma with just a hint of woody bark.

Taste – I found this one interesting for me – because the flavor profile seemed backwards.  Instead of the sweetness being on the front of the tongue – I got a slight bitter taste up front.  Meanwhile, this smoothed out on the palate and sweetened up towards the back of the tongue.  Don’t get me wrong – with the distinctly roasted malts, nutty flavor and oily mouthfeel, I enjoyed it….I was just caught off guard.

Overall – With the low level of hoppyness, this beer really relies on its sweetness and malty flavor profile to carry it through….which I found it does quite nicely.  They balance themselves well – and I can see how this would go over well at the ballpark, especially to a general audience. 

I always love and support local breweries and businesses, and when I find two collaborating like the Squirrels and CotU, I have to applaud the effort.

While I didn’t get to experience my first “Chin Music” at the ball park (something I plan to rectify soon), I really did enjoy this beer.  I can truly appreciate the craftsmanship involved, and (although it not my favorite style) I would definitely stock it as a local beer for friends that come over and look for a lighter offering. 

As a solid showing by Center of the Universe Brewing Company, I would rate this beer a solid 4 out of 5.  Well done and I look forward to trying a few more of your beers soon.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Power Hour USB Shotglass

Ok – we are doing something a little on the fun side.

I know I have been on hiatus for a few months – but now I am back in the swing of things….and to kick things off, I am combining my two blogs (this one and my personal blog to cover one terrific idea/product – Ali Spagnola’s POWER HOUR ALBUM.

That’s right.  Someone made up a bunch of 1-Minute drinking songs, put them on a USB, Integrated the USB into a Shot Glass….and then made a game out of it. 

How could you not love this idea.

GingerMeatloaf and I are thinking of actually having a Power Hour Party via Google Hangouts.  All you need is a shot glass….but of course Ali would appreciate if you bought the POUR HOUR Shot Glass USB.

If you are up for it, and we get enough responders - just fill out THIS QUICK SURVEY and put your Email address in the Comments field. I will respond once we set a date.

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